These are so incredibly cute and so incredibly good!!! They are Cheddar Bunnies. You can get them in a variety of flavors. I like the white cheddar ones and also the regular cheddar ones. My friend Rachel gives these to her daughter Lila all the time and my sister Missy gives them to my niece Danica on a daily basis. Maybe I should say hourly basis. Ha! :) They are just so good. They are like the Goldfish crackers or even Cheez-its, but sooooo much healthier! They are made from Annie's, which is a healthy food brand that you may heard of. Their stuff is pretty good. But, I digress.

The Cheddar Bunnies have 0g Trans Fat, Low Saturated Fat, No Cholesterol, No Sugar Added, and Non -GMO. They are completely organic!! And really they are so good. They are definitely not just for kids, but if you have kids, then I would go out and buy these immediately because why not give your kids a healthier snack that they will love!!!! They can be found in every grocery store pretty much. Just look in the healthy food section.
I've had these before and they are definitely delish! Also try Annie's mac and cheese. Super yum too!